Iterations: Blue 1118


Iterations: Blue 1118
ink and watercolor on paper


When I was younger, I often let the edge of the paper dictate the edge of a line. A classic mistake – pushing fingers, hands, shoulders and toes inside the box of a chosen substrate. Forcing all kinds of odd angles, impossible anatomies and simply odd forms.


Its difficult at times to know what to do when you approach the edge of a drawing. You can hold things up and try to tie it in to the paper. Like a drawing needs a box.  Or you can choose to just let it go, lead the lines like a shepherd right up to the edge from which they have all the world to drink.


I don’t worry so much these days about where a line ends. Instead, I just wonder ,Where do lines end?  Where do they go after the paper ends and what shape do they take? What is the next drawing?